
"Eclectic and esoteric...packed with minutiae and malapropisms."- Me

Uh, yeah, whatever.

You're probably asking yourself, what the heck is this website all about? Well, that's a perfectly valid question that I would love to answer. However, the fact that I  don't know limits my responses.

Basically, this site (as its name implies) will cover a variety of subjects, from Latin to space colonization to college basketball to my favorite book (
A Canticle for Liebowitz). Hopefully you'll find  at least some of it interesting, informative or enlightening. A lot of it you'll find probably boring or downright bizarre. :)

Any how, strap on your seatbelts, and get ready for one...uh...ECLECTIC...ride!

A Canticle for Liebowitz, a sci-fi classic that has drifted into oblivion, deserves a look. And don't worry if you hate sci-fi, so do I. This is a book about history, religion, and the destiny of humanity. It should be required reading for every high school student. (It would be way better than some of the stuff my English teacher makes me read ;-)

Eclectia | A Canticle for Liebowitz

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